Wausau 24

July 26th-27th, 2025

Registration Opens January 1, 2025

Wausau 24 is the largest 24 hour mountain bike race in the Midwest! We invite you to this locally owned race to complete as many laps as you can in the 6 hour, 12 hour and 24 hour categories as a solo rider or as a team.

In addition to the mountain bike race, you will find a host of vendors and exhibitors in “Dirt Town” with live music both Friday and Saturday night. Camp with your family, friends, and teams for the whole weekend. This event has become a tradition for many! We look forward to seeing you there!

New in 2024! Solo Champion
In 2023, Wausau 24 introduced the Solo Champion category. In 2024, there is no need to register for this as a separate category because all athletes competing in a 24 or 12 hour solo race will be eligible for the overall win! That’s right! Junior, Masters, Open and even Single-Speed solo categories in these races are eligible. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place male and female carry cash prizes (24 Hour 1st $500, 2nd $375, 3rd $250 and 12 Hour 1st $250, 2nd $175, 3rd $100). Overall winners will be removed from their original race categories. All racers will compete in the Le Mans start.

Masters age has changed. You must now be 50 or older on race day to be eligible to race in a Masters category.

2023 welcomed a record number of athletes to Nine Mile. We continue to highly encourage tent camping and carpooling. Camper vans and small teardrop-style and popup campers less than 20 feet are allowed to camp throughout Nine Mile as long as there is no use of a generator. Generators are still restricted to the Main Lot.

So, what’s new, you ask? There will only be a limited number of RVs and Campers longer than 20 feet allowed this year and these must register and park in the Main Lot. 

Course Map

Maps subject to change

Click here for PDF
Click here for GPX


Friday July 25, 2025

12:00pm: Gates open for for all teams to set up camping and parking. Prior to 12:00 pm entrance will be for expo and staff only.

12:00 pm-6:00 pm: pre-riding/running of the course is open. The lap will be marked and ready to go (weather pending). Both bike and run participants may be on the course during this time so be aware of all participants and respect all competitors.

2:00 pm-6:00 pm: Packet pick-up for Wausau Trail Run.

2:00 pm-8:00 pm: Packet pick-up for Wausau 24.

7:00 pm: Half-Marathon, 10k, and 5k trail runs begin.

8:00 pm: Live Music and welcome gathering in the main expo. Stop by and meet old friends and new. Stay around to cheer on our finishers for the run!

9:00 pm: Awards for 5K & 10K.

10:00 pm: Awards for Half-Marathon.

11:30 pm-7:00 am: Courtesy quiet hours on the entire grounds. Please respect your neighbors and get some rest for race day.

Saturday, July 26, 2025

7:00 am-8:30 am: Pre-registered riders may pick up packets. NO ONSITE REGISTRATION. THERE WILL BE NO PACKET PICKUP AFTER 8:30am! DON’T BE THAT RACER!

7:00 am-9:00 am: Pre-ride course.

8:00 am-6:00 pm: Expo Area Open. Food Vendor hours vary; check local postings.

9:15 am-9:30 am: MANDATORY race meeting at the transition tent. All solo riders and Team or co-captain must attend.

10:00 am: WAUSAU 24 RACE START FOR 6, 12 AND 24 HOUR EVENTS. Traditional Le Mans Start.

12:00 pm: Kids’ Trail Run Event. (Online registration prior to race weekend and from 11:30-11:45 race day; FREE Thanks to Kocourek Kids ). Parents encouraged to participate as course marshals and spectators.

1:00 pm: Wausau 24 Kids’ Events; 12 minute-short course and 24 minute-long course (Online registration prior to race weekend and from 12:30-12:45 race day; FREE Thanks to Kocourek Kids). Parents encouraged to participate as course marshals and spectators.

4:00 pm: 6-hour Event Ends.

6:00 pm: 6-hour event awards.

8:00 pm: LIVE MUSIC!

10:00 pm: 12-hour race ends.

8:00 pm-11:00 pm: Grab your FREE slice of pizza and beverage under the transition tent. This is for paid participants only.

Sunday, July 27, 2025

10:00 am:  24-hour event ends.

12:00 pm-1:00 pm: Awards ceremony for 12-hour and 24-hour events.

4:00 pm: All participants and spectators need to be cleared out of the Nine Mile Recreation Area. Please be kind and clean up your area.

5:00 pm: Facility closed. Thank you for another great weekend!

The schedule above is subject to change.

Camping & Parking


Parking is free. One car/truck/SUV is allowed per campsite. We encourage carpooling. Additional cars should park in the main lot with overflow onto Red Bud Road. If there is concern that you may need to leave during the event, park in the main lot.


We have designated Reserved Solo camping areas directly adjacent to the course and designated Reserved Group camping nearby that can be purchased when registering for your event. Free camping is always available in the designated open areas for tents and small campers.  A limited number of RV and campers longer than 20 feet are allowed. You must now register online for these limited spots. RVs and campers longer than 20 feet and anyone using a generator MUST camp in the main lot.

Gates open at 12 pm. Prior to that the entrance to the parking and camping areas will be blocked off to participants, spectators, and support crews. Once the gate is open we will have parking attendants to guide you to your camping area. If you want to hang out next to people and other specific teams, it is recommended that you show up together. Camping space is on a first come, first serve basis. One vehicle per site. ONE VEHICLE PER SITE WILL BE ENFORCED THIS YEAR TO HELP GIVE EVERYONE APPROPRIATE CAMPING SPACE
(example: one tent: one car, one camper: one car). Extra vehicles will need to be parked in the main parking area in front of the chalet, then onto Red Bud Road as overflow.

No Firewood can be brought into Nine Mile

Firewood is provided for FREE at the Chalet. We will need to watch the fire danger situation for the weekend and post signage at that time. Fires will need to be in raised or enclosed fire rings and have a good way to control them at all times. Please clean up afterwards.



It will be a Le Mans-style start at 10 am. Racers will begin on foot, running the designated route before gathering their bike to begin the ride. You may start placing bikes immediately following the pre-race meeting. Racers must have their bikes pre-positioned in the designated area.


Finishing Rules:

  • Rules apply to all participants, solos and teams.
  • Each team (solo or team) may start their final lap prior to the official end of their event. ie. 6-hour event ends at 4 pm, the racer may start their final lap at 3:59:59pm, but not at 4:00 pm.
  • Racers may choose to not compete for the entire time of their event. The total number of laps completed will be used for the final results.
  • The team with the most laps in the shortest amount of time within the allotted time wins.
6 Hour 12 Hour 24 Hour
Final Lap Out By Final Lap Out By Final Lap Out By
3:59:59 pm 9:59:59 pm 9:59:59 am

Everyone who finishes at least one lap will be considered a Finisher.


Top 3 athletes/teams in each category will be awarded.

New in 2024: Solo Champion will be awarded to the top 3 overall female and male solo athletes from the 24 and 12 Hour races. These elite 3 will be pulled from across the Junior, Masters, open and Single Speed categories. 24 Hour 1st $500, 2nd $375, 3rd $250 and 12 Hour 1st $250, 2nd $175, 3rd $100. Those awarded Solo Champion will be excluded from their originally registered categories.


Team Captains

Each team will designate a team captain and co-captain. Team captains will represent the team in all official correspondence and communications before, during and after the event. The co-captain may represent the team during the event when the captain is unavailable. Only team captains and co-captains may file protests.

Mandatory Pre-Race Meeting

The MANDATORY pre-race meeting will be at 9:15 am on Saturday. All Solo riders and Team captain and/or co-captain must attend the pre-race meeting; however, everyone is encouraged to attend.

Team Pit Area

Teams must designate one and only one pit area. Typically, this is at your campsite. Racers may change or repair any equipment in their Pit Area. Pit areas are not allowed on the course or in the Start/Finish area. However, emergency repairs may be performed in the Start/Finish area; you may even swap entire bikes. In the Start/Finish area or the team’s pit area, racers may accept support from anyone. Also, teams may bring as many support people as they would like, but their support is limited to the Start/Finish and the team’s pit areas, not on the course.

Support on the Course

Support on the course may only be supplied by other registered racers. Supporting racers must access the course under their own power (i.e. foot travel or on a bike) and that access can only be achieved by following the course in either direction. Shortcutting the course is not allowed. Supporting racers should stay clear of all competing racers. Supporting racers may take any equipment or tools with them; they may even swap bikes with their teammates. Cannibalizing bicycle parts is legal. Support can be provided by any registered racer on any team to any registered racer on any team.

Water and Food

Water and food may be supplied to any racer, by anyone, anywhere on the course. However, racers must stay well clear of the course when taking food or water. (And please do not throw energy food wrappers on the ground. Remember: Leave No Trace.)

Permitted Course Riders

Only officially registered racers, credentialed media and event staff may ride on the designated racecourse during the event.

Team Number Display

Racers must display their race plate on the front of their bikes on-course at all times. In the case of a bike swap, racers must swap the bike number to the new bike prior to continuing the race. Race officials may request to see this at any time.

Right of Way

Racers riding bicycles have the right of way over racers pushing bicycles. When practical, racers pushing or carrying their bikes should stay on the least rideable portion of the trail when being passed. Racers pushing or carrying their bikes may overtake a racer riding his bike provided that they do not interfere with the riding racer.

Lapped Racers

Lapped racers should yield to leaders. Leaders should be very vocal when preparing to pass any racer. “PASSING on your LEFT!”, “PASSING on your RIGHT!” should be called out. It is the responsibility of the challenging racer to overtake safely. Racers being lapped must yield on the first command.

Vying for Position

When two racers are vying for position, the leading racer does not necessarily have to yield a position to the challenging racer. However, a racer may not bodily interfere, intending to impede another racer’s progress.


No listening devices with either earphones/ear buds or speakers are permitted on the course for safety reasons. Personal cell phones and GPS devices may be carried for navigational or emergency purposes.

Short Cutting

Shortcutting the course by any logged-in racer shall result in a disqualification of that racer’s team.

Law Abiding

Federal, state and county laws and ordinances will be abided by at all times.


Foul riding, use of profane or abusive language and other unsportsmanlike behavior will be taken very seriously. Such behavior by any racer shall subject that racer’s team to a warning or immediate disqualification. This will be strictly applied when such behavior is directed at course officials, volunteers or spectators. The penalty imposed is at the discretion of the race director or co-director, should the race director be unavailable. No refunds.


Protests can only be made by team captains or co-captains. Protests will be made in writing and delivered to the race director or co-director any time during the race or after the end of the race, up to 15 minutes after the posting of the final results. Protests should contain any information that supports the protest, including a description of the incident, witnesses, names, addresses, phone numbers and signature of protesting team captain. The race director, after their own discovery, will promptly rule on the protest.

Final Rulings

The race director has the final say in any ruling, including rulings made by the co-director.

Quiet Hours

Quiet hours for events conducted at night will be imposed from 11:30 pm until 7 a.m Friday and Saturday night. During this time, noise must be kept to a minimum.


During the night ride, racers must have a primary light source with a minimum rated power of 500 lumens. In addition, a rear light either solid or flashing/blinking may be used. (Battery rechargers may be plugged in at the neutral charging station when provided. For your own sake, teams should label their batteries and chargers with the team’s name. The neutral charging station is unsecured.) Rental lighting is not available.

Lights Burning

Racers entering the course after 7 pm on Saturday until 6 am on Sunday must have both primary and secondary light sources installed and in good working order. During this time, racers must have their lights burning. Racing with lights out to save batteries or racing with discharged batteries is dangerous and is done so at the rider’s own risk.

Consecutive Laps

A racer may ride consecutive laps.

Verifying the Result Sheet

Lap times will be recorded, Registrars and race officials may request to see your race number on your handlebar at any time.

Be sure to notify the race director of mistakes as they appear on the online lap updates. Remember mistakes can be fixed if you all follow the directions and we find appropriate back-up records. Be patient. Results will be posted in real-time in the timing kiosk and available online in real-time as well.

Canceling a Lap

Once on-course, a racer must complete his or her lap. However, the team has the option of canceling a racer’s lap and restarting the lap from the Timing Tent with a substitute. This is a difficult and costly decision, but if the first racer is unable to complete the lap for any reason, it may be to the team’s advantage to cancel that racer’s lap.

Any team member can cancel a racer’s lap by notifying the team’s registrar at the Timing Tent and initializing the Log-sheet next to the canceled lap. If a team cancels a racer’s lap and is restarting with a new racer, The new racer inherits the log-in time of the canceled racer’s lap. Once a cancellation has been made, it cannot be rescinded. The canceled lap does not count as a completed lap.

Co-ed Rule

Riders competing in the co-ed categories must have all riders finish within two laps of the rider with the highest number of laps. Each infraction will result in a one-lap penalty. i.e. The women rider(s) on co-ed open teams must complete a number of laps no more than two laps fewer than the rider on her team who completes the most laps. And that goes for the men, too. If a Woman rider completes 14 laps and a male rider only completes 11 laps, a 1-lap penalty will be assessed.

This rule does not apply to any other category.


Does a team need to have someone racing on the course during the whole event time?

No, you may be off course once you complete a full lap during the race event.

How do we change riders?

The rider on course approaches the “transition area” while another team member awaits in the “transition area”. Once the current rider on course crosses the lap line the next team member must then have physical contact(i.e., high five, fist bump, tire tap) with their teammate and then may start their lap or laps.

Do you need to switch team members after each lap?
No, you may have team members ride multiple consecutive laps.

Who wins?

The team with the most laps in the shortest amount of time within the allotted time wins (see Race Rules for allotted times).

How many teams place and get awards?

1st through 3rd place are awarded in each category.

Can we camp on-site?
Yes, there are both reserved and open campsites for Friday and Saturday nights. See “Camping & Parking” for more information and rules.

Anything to eat on-site?

Yes, concessions/food trucks will be available Friday night – Sunday morning from local vendors. Each vendor will post their serving hours. Pizza is served for all registered riders from 8:00 and 11:00 pm on Saturday along with beverage options for youth and adults. There will also be snacks and water for all racers during the events on the race course and in the transition area.

Can we drink beer?

If you are of legal drinking age, and act responsibly as with any social outing, yes. We will fall back on state and local laws regarding public consumption and notify the appropriate people if needed. Enjoy but don’t be stupid basically covers it.

Is there a good internet signal on-site?

Cell coverage depends on your provider. There is NOT site-wide Wi-Fi available. You can check your results in the expo area on provided laptops or follow the link that will be available race weekend for live results.

Will there be medical staff on-site?

Yes, Wisconsin Mountain Bike Patrol continues to volunteer their services for our event. They will be present during the entire event. They will be based out of and adjacent to the main chalet. We will contact Rib Mountain EMS if needed.

Garbage? Recycling? Bathrooms? Showers? Bike wash?
Yes. Garbage and recycling containers are in the main parking lot. Recycling is commingle, but must not be bagged. Please collect at your site and deposit accordingly. There will be portable toilets located in central locations in all camping areas and the transition area. A primitive rinse off shower station will be available throughout the weekend for participants, as well as a bike wash.